Air Conditioner Installations in Binghamton NY May Be Necessary When the Current System No Longer Works Properly

by | Mar 15, 2018 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Air Conditioner Installations in Binghamton NY become necessary to replace old systems that simply cannot get the job done any longer. Although central air systems in this region generally last much longer than is true in states further south, the equipment will not last forever. Homeowners who enjoy relatively cool air throughout the summer might keep the thermostat set at 74 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning the system will run fairly frequently in June, July and August.

Higher Electric Bills

When the household begins paying significantly more in electricity in the summer and increases in rates don’t account for it, it’s time to figure out what’s causing the problem. The trouble may very well be a central air conditioner that is becoming much less efficient as the years go on. The system may even be unable to bring the temperature down to 74 degrees when the weather is very hot.

A Unit That’s Too Small

The efficiency of the unit may very well have been sufficient when it was installed, or the equipment might have been a bit too small for the square footage of the house. This tends to be something new owners of a house realize once they move in and are bewildered as to why the unit won’t cool the place effectively.

A Home That Has Become Larger

In other cases, an addition or two might have been constructed on the home, making the square footage too big for the central air. An attic that has been finished for living space may always be too warm in the summer without an upgrade for central Air Conditioner Installations in Binghamton NY.

Reduction of Shade

There are still more situations that can result in an air conditioner no longer working as well as it used to. A neighboring structure that used to shade the west side of the house but has since been torn down now allows sun to beat on the siding and roof all afternoon. The same is true if tall, shady trees are removed. New central air systems can be installed by technicians with a company such as Fancher Appliance, which can be considered by viewing the website You can also visit them on Facebook.

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