Beat That Cold Weather Using Superior Furnaces in New Haven IN

by | Oct 19, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Heating a home in the New Haven area may require a bit of thought and one reason for this is that there is a large variety of heating options available. Possibilities include radiant heating, central or forced air systems, heat pumps and split delivery units. In most cases the property owner will stick with what the house had originally, which is usually forced air system. Forced air is also known as a furnace and comes in two basic types. The first kind of Furnaces in New Haven IN is a gas burning system and the other uses electrical resistance. Gas burning furnaces can use one of two options depending on how the appliance is set up. The most common in cities and suburban areas is natural gas because of distribution methods.

For rural areas the fuel of choice is propane because the property owner can have it delivered to a storage tank. Both appliances function the same with an internal combustion chamber and an exhaust. Modern versions of gas burning units have efficiency ratings up to 98 percent. However, higher efficiency means a more costly appliance so the home owner will need to calculate the overall savings in energy versus the additional cost. In areas like New Haven an efficiency rating between 85 to 90 usually works well.

Electric Furnaces in New Haven IN have a similar footprint in size and shape, but the guts of the appliance varies. The heating area contains an electric element that creates the heat, which is then transferred to the air exchanger. Heat control is based on temperature ranges and regulated by switches. For instance, a switch controls the blower cycle so that it doesn’t start until the air exchanger reaches a specific temperature. This prevents the blast of cold air that would result otherwise. Likewise, the switch prevents the blower from shutting off before the heat is released from the system, which reduces condensation in the appliance.

One of the most important consideration when using a furnace is annual maintenance. Keeping the appliance tuned and cleaned will help it to function more efficiently and reduce the chance of unexpected failure. Typically, the maintenance should be performed in the early fall before the appliance is first used because this reduces the chance of a flash fire that could result from debris in the heating chamber. Contact the experts at Brockman Heating & Air Conditioning for more information.

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