Staying Cool This Summer

by | Jun 13, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

Here in the South, it can be a challenge to stay cool through the hot summer months. It’s imperative to have a well-functioning air conditioning unit. There are some important steps to take to ensure your unit works properly. Despite preventative measures, there will be times when your AC will need servicing. You may find yourself in need of air conditioning repair in Jonesboro, Georgia, so here are some tips for what to do until help arrives.

How to Prevent Problems

The simplest, most inexpensive way to prolong the life of your air conditioning unit is to change the filter regularly. How often a unit’s filter needs changing can vary greatly depending on things like whether you have pets in your home, but a good rule of thumb is once per month. A dirty, clogged filter causes inefficiency and eventually damage to your air conditioner.

When to Call the Professionals

Trouble with air conditioners can happen despite your best efforts, so if your unit isn’t blowing cool air or if it isn’t blowing air at all, double check your thermostat’s settings to make sure they weren’t inadvertently changed. Next, try changing the thermostat’s battery. Once you’ve determined it isn’t a thermostat issue, call a reputable service for air conditioning repair in Jonesboro.

What to Do Until Help Arrives

First, turn off the unit while you wait for the service technician. Next, avoid using the oven or the dryer, as they will only intensify the indoor heat. Use fans where possible and place bowls of ice in front of the fans to add coolness to the air. Keep windows covered to insulate against the heat outside. Consider opening windows at night when the temperature drops.

Staying cool in southern heat can be tough, so preventative air conditioning maintenance is important. If your air conditioner does need repair, now you know how to stay cool in the meantime. Visit Website for more information.

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