The Most Common Symptoms That An HVAC Unit May Require Residential Cooling System Repair In Hereford TX

by | Sep 13, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning

An air conditioning system helps keep a home comfortable during the hottest of summer weather, and while they are designed to provide years of reliable use, some issues can arise that require Residential Cooling System Repair in Hereford TX. Knowing when an air conditioner is broken isn’s always apparent, but many symptoms can be easily identified by a homeowner and allow them to arrange for emergency repair as quickly as possible. The following are just a few of the most common symptoms that should be inspected by a professional.

No Cold Air Production

If an air conditioner no longer produces cold air, it can cause the temperature in a home too quickly increase and leave those inside extremely uncomfortable. The cause of the air issue could be as simple as a thrown breaker, but it could also be due to a significant problem with the unit’s internal components. A professional will have the equipment and knowledge to diagnose the problem and get it up and running in no time.

Ice Build Up

An air conditioner has a built in defrost cycle that helps prevent a system from locking up during long periods of use. If a homeowner notices ice forming on their air return filter, then it could be an indicator of a severe mechanical issue with the compressor of the unit. Be sure to find an HVAC repair company that can check the coolant levels of the system and determine if that is what is causing the system to freeze unexpectedly.

Compressor Noises

A compressor isn’t silent when it is running, but the occurrence of loud screeching noise is an indicator that a severe mechanical failure may exist. These issues are most likely caused by a bad fan belt or a failing compressor, and require Residential Cooling System Repair in Hereford TX as soon as possible to prevent the equipment from failing.

The best way to keep a home comfortable all summer long is to have any HVAC issues remedied as soon as possible. Bob’s Heating & Air Conditioning has been providing top notch HVAC service for more than 50 years and can help a homeowner when disaster strikes. Call them at the first sign of trouble and let one of their expert technicians ensure an air conditioner is ready for use all summer. You can also visit them on .

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