Types of Weather Events That Cause the Need for Central Air Conditioning Repair

by | Dec 10, 2018 | Air Conditioners

After a severe storm, central Air Conditioning Repair may be necessary. Damage can occur due to lightning strikes and to heavy wind gusts blowing debris against the exterior unit. A dust storm blowing through the neighborhood can cause a large amount of grit to be dumped into the condenser unit.

Lightning Strikes

Lightning can strike any part of a building and cause significant damage to that area or the whole structure. Sometimes a fire breaks out but, if there is heavy rain when the lightning hits, a fire may be prevented. Lightning can hit a utility pole near the house or electrical equipment on the building. It can even strike the air conditioning unit. Air Conditioning Repair or even full replacement might be necessary.

If the system must be replaced, the homeowner’s insurance should cover the cost. Insurance won’t cover replacement if the system fails after many years of use, but it should cover any damage caused by severe weather events.

Hurricane-Force Winds

The Phoenix area is no stranger to hurricane-force winds. Storms characterized by strong winds can result in the area being littered with tree branches. Branches carried by wind gusts can shatter windows on buildings and vehicles. They can also hit the central air unit horizontally or vertically. This might punch a hole through the side or break the grate on top. The fan inside might be bent or broken due to the force of the wood striking at 50 miles per hour.


Although located in a desert, the city experiences monsoons virtually every year. Central air units are designed to withstand heavy rains, but the machine should not be operated if it has been flooded. A heating and cooling technician should inspect the system and make sure there was no damage to the electrical components.

Dust Storms

The monsoon season also brings dust storms. After this type of storm, homeowners should check the unit and see whether a noticeable amount of dirt has been deposited inside. If so, calling a company such as Brothers Plumbing & Air Conditioning to get the machine cleaned is important before running it again. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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